Lion King

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We Guarantee the Best Seats for Lion King!

Millions of die-hard fans want the best seats for "Lion King," the decade's most spectacular, eye-popping show! But don't trust a newspaper scalper with your hard-earned ticket money. Trust TicketsinTime to put you and your whole family up close for all the magic and excitement of "Lion King."

No other show in Broadway history can compare to the lavish costumes, incredible sets, and amazing puppet characters of "Lion King." Even those who haven't seen the movie will be amazed and delighted by this one-of-a-kind show. So don't miss a minute of "Lion King!" Get your tickets today!!

You Deserve the Best Seats for Lion King!

You know you deserve the best seats for "Lion King." That's why you've come to TicketsinTime. . .the place for premium tickets at competitive prices! We deliver great seats so you'll become a regular TicketsinTime customer!

So where would you like to spend your evening with "Lion King." You can still see the show in it's original Broadway home at the New Amsterdam Theatre on 42nd Street in New York City. But two other major U.S. venues also offering ongoing productions of "Lion King" throughout 2004. You can see "Lion King" at the historic Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco or at the lavish Boston Opera House in Boston. So don't delay! Get your great seats right now!

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