About us

TicketsInTime.Com has been in the business of finding hard to get tickets since 1998. Our reputation has grown throughout the industry as a direct result of our excellent prices and our obsession with customer service.

Over the years, TicketsInTime.com has worked hard to develop an extensive network of insider contacts that gives us access to some of the best seats to shows, sporting events and other major events nationwide.

When you buy from TicketsInTime, you're in good company. Our client list contains individuals and corporate buyers from all walks of life. We've helped personal assistants get great tickets for their high profile clients. We've helped corporate buyers get blocks of seats to sold out shows. And we've even helped some single parents give their kids the best seats in the house to see their dream team in action, up close.

In addition to offering theater tickets, we sell tickets to some of the biggest events in the world including:

  • American Idol winners Kelly Clarkson Clay Aiken show tickets.
  • Super Bowl
  • NCAA Final Four
  • Masters Golf Passes
  • National Finals Rodeo
  • Celine Dion at Caesar's Palace
  • NASCAR Race Tickets
  • NBA All Star Game
  • NFL Football
  • LA Lakers Basketball Games
  • World Series
  • MLB All Star Game
  • US Open Tennis

TicketsInTime.com is not affiliated with the NCAA, Ticketmaster or any specific venue. We are not the official box office for any show or event. Since we deal in this market, tickets are generally sold at a price greater than the "face value". If you need to speak to a representative please contact our customer service department by clicking here.